Saturday, 15 April 2017

Electronic Aspirin

For people who suffer from migraines, cluster headaches, and other causes of chronic, excruciating head or facial pain, the wrong popular method of "take two aspirins and call me in the morning" is useless. Doctors have long associated the most severe, chronic forms of headache with the sphenopalatine ganglion (SPG), facial nerve bundle, but haven't yet found a treatment that works on the SPG long-term. Electronic aspirin is a patient-powered tool for blocking SPG signals at the first sign of a headache. The system functions by implanting a small nerve stimulating device in the upper gum on the side of the head that is affected by headache. The lead tip of the implant connects with the SPG bundle, and when a patient senses the onset of a headache, he or she places a handheld remote controller on the cheek nearest the implant. The resulting signals stimulate the SPG nerves and block the pain-causing neurotransmitters.


Electronic Aspirin

For people who suffer from migraines, cluster headaches, and other causes of chronic, excruciating head or facial pain, the wrong popula...